AJF Therapies
Amanda Jane Fisher

BA(Hons), BSc(Hons), DipSW, PGDip

Full BABCP Accreditation
Based in Hampshire

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Swanwick, Fareham, Gosport, Southampton and Surrounding Areas

Hi, my name is Amanda Fisher. I am a cognitive behavioural psychotherapist, fully accredited with the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP).  

I offer treatment to those aged 18 and over, for a range of problems including Depression, Health Anxiety, OCD, Phobias, Social Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Generalised Anxiety, PTSD, Impulse Control Disorders, Habit Disorders, Low Self Esteem, Anger, Body Dysmorphia and Problematic Grief (if you do not see your specific problem listed here please contact me using my contact page as I may still be able to help you). If you need to develop skills in self compassion, mindfulness or assertiveness, emotion regulation or distress tolerance - I can help you.

I have accumulated over 25 years of experience working in social services, the NHS and private practice with people from all walks of life and with all sorts of difficulties.

I offer programmes of treatment that are evidence based and recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

In line with good CBT practice, you can expect a thorough assessment, a "formulation" (explanation) of the development and maintenance of your difficulty and an individually tailored course of treatment, including relapse prevention work.

I am able to offer appointments to suit you, including early mornings, evenings and weekends.

Appointments would usually take place in my office in Swanwick, Hampshire, however if you need or prefer to have treatment in your own home, I can travel to you.

All appointments for individual therapy are charged at £90 per hour.

Mileage and travel time may be charged separately. Reports and letters will incur additional charges according to clinical time taken.

You are welcome to contact me directly and I am also happy to accept referrals from insurance companies, solicitors, benevolence funds, GPs and other sources.

Should you wish to learn more about your particular mental health problem or about CBT, please take a look at www.rcpsych.ac.uk, the website for the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

If you need more urgent help please contact your GP, dial 111 or call The Samaritans on 116123. In case of emergency dial 999.

If you would like to check my credentials, please visit www.babcp.com and use the search for a therapist function using the name Amanda Fisher.

Testimonials image
"I received CBT therapy from Amanda for my fear of heights. I was not aware just how much my fear had affected my life until I started the course of treatment. I was unable to even stand on a chair let alone use something like a glass lift. Now thanks to the patience and expertise of Amanda I have found a new lease of life; I can use glass lifts, escalators, sit on a balcony 13 stories high and even travel up and down a mountain in a cable car. All of this would have been impossible before my treatment. I would not hesitate in recommending Amanda to anyone who has a problem which is affecting their everyday life. The difference CBT therapy has had on me has been amazing. Thank you Amanda." (22.8.15)

"To Amanda, thank you. I feel as though I am coming back to life! Our sessions have helped so much to step back from some of my painful thoughts and feelings and start to see myself in a fairer light. It has felt as though there was someone really 'on my side' throughout. Thank you again." (21.3.16)

"Amanda has helped me to understand that all emotions - good and bad - are better accepted than avoided. I used to find myself overwhelmed when life didn't go to plan or follow my 'rules'. We worked together to identify strategies for enabling me to accept challenging/difficult emotions, as well as helping me to understand the benefits of experiencing them. I also used the sessions to break down and reassess some rules I had been following for many years. Amanda is reassuring, sympathetic and put together a treatment plan that worked for me. Therapy has had a profound impact on my life". (21.4.17)

"For most of my adult life I had experienced a number of issues, primarily based around my relationship with my wife but also in my personal life. I was aware of the issues but could never seem to get to the bottom of them or improve my relationship and general well being. Although I was probably slightly nervous of the idea of ‘therapy’, I always thought something like CBT could work for me; we are very aware of how to look after our physical health, this is merely giving your mind the same attention. Eventually I got round to contacting Amanda and I shouldn’t have been nervous at all. In short, Amanda did a great job, always reassuring and insightful, she enabled me to get to the bottom of the issues and then move forward with a different outlook; the result has been a much more harmonious and happier existence and this change should not be underestimated. I needed someone to guide me in the right direction and CBT with Amanda gave me that". (12.1.18)

Amanda was extremely helpful in tackling my OCD problems I was facing. After the initial diagnosis, we worked through a structured program with various forms of treatment, and I finished being in a much better place than I started. Before seeing Amanda, I was at rock bottom, and with her understanding of what I was going through, professional knowledge of the subject and compassionate manner throughout the process, I started to get my life back on track. I would highly recommend Amanda's therapy to anyone experiencing OCD problems".

Dealing with Emetophobia". "Amanda immediately put me at my ease on my first consultation with her. She understood my phobia and my reluctance to even mention the words "sick" or "vomit". Very, very gently each week she moved at a pace she knew I could deal with, along, for me, a very uncomfortable path. Her constant reassurance gave me confidence that I could learn to cope with a problem, which I have had since an infant at school! I would have no hesitation in recommending Amanda to anyone with a phobia, depression or anxiety disorders".

"I started CBT therapy with Amanda to help with what I thought was anxiety related to my work, making me depressed and having suicidal thoughts. However, from the first few sessions it was clear that my real issues were seated much deeper due to my constant need to strive for perfectionism and my incredibly low self esteem. Amanda was wonderful she put me at ease straight away and I was able to open up fully for the first time. The techniques she used helped me to rationalise my thought processes and question not only the immediate incorrect thinking I was making, but as the sessions continued to also re-evaluate and change the unhelpful ‘rules’ I was living my life by. I still use these techniques now, along with meditation and I can’t thank Amanda enough for helping me find my confidence again, along with getting enjoyment in everyday things again, and more importantly for giving me back my life". (9.5.19)

"Amanda has been invaluable in helping me to understand and deal with recurring bouts of depression. With her support, I was able to recover from an ongoing episode; more importantly, she has equipped me with the understanding and tools to avoid and better manage any future recurrence. My decision to try therapy was difficult, but Amanda immediately put me at ease. She clearly described the process and checked on my understanding and comfort with our progress throughout. Amanda is professional, but also extremely compassionate and I felt able to talk about and explore some very deep rooted feelings. With Amanda’s guidance, I have become able to recognise how these have affected my daily life, and how to modify the way I feel about and react to events in order to reduce their negative impact on me. I now feel equipped to face and manage future challenges and in a ‘much better place’ all around. Amanda has made a real, and positive, difference to my life". (12.8.19)

Burn out "Thank you so much for helping me to feel better. I have to confess to being a little sceptical at the start of things, that the therapy journey could really help me, but my mind has been literally changed on this and so many other things. The Bible talks about being transformed by the renewal of our minds and I'm amazed at the way you've been able to help me change the way I think about myself. Thank you for what you do, your compassion and skill are life changing and have been for me". (29.11.19)

"I would like to say a huge thank you to Amanda for all her help and support. I went for CBT therapy because I was struggling to live with my Essential Tremor and had very low self-esteem. It was the best thing I ever did! She helped me to change my way of thinking, to be more positive and not so negative about myself. Amanda helped me to realise that my Essential Tremor is just a small part of who I am. I now feel a lot happier and more confident in myself and have the tools to continue with my life in a much more positive way". (16.1.20)

“Amanda has been absolutely fantastic in helping me with my generalised anxiety disorder, OCD, Perfectionism and confidence struggles. As soon as I arrived she made me feel relaxed and at ease. I started to see some improvements quickly with Amanda. She had really creative ideas to help me overcome my struggles, and really encouraged me to face the situations I avoided. Every session Amanda was very organised and compassionate. She always had a plan for the session, but was also very flexible to discuss new things that came up. Due to the trust that I built with her, I felt comfortable telling her things that I had not told others before which has really helped me. Since finishing therapy with Amanda I feel like a different person. My confidence has grown in leaps and bounds and I now understand how to manage my mental health, which has left me feeling so happy and in control of my emotions. She has worked with me on a relapse prevention plan to help me maintain what I’ve accomplished which I think will be so helpful. I really can’t thank Amanda enough for how she’s has helped me. I would recommend her to anyone experiencing similar things to me. ” (2020)

"Thank you for all your advice and guidance. It's really helped and I feel a huge weight off my shoulders :) I've learned so much working with you." (1.12.20)

"When I first met you I was a depressed person with no hope for the future and unable to go outside into my own back garden. Now I can go wherever I want and be cool as a cucumber. I have 5 offers for university for nursing and I have found my love for cats! Thank you for the incredible impact you've made on my life, for my incredible room and new found love of myself. I truly cannot thank you enough but thank you anyway :-)" (6.3.2021)

"Amanda has taught me SO much, I’ve had previous therapy but Amanda has gone into much more detail when it comes to treatment and has a much more thorough understanding of the type of OCD I have. She is always kind, understanding but posed challenging questions which made me dig deeper and have many positive breakthroughs during our sessions. She has so much knowledge, a range of techniques and never cast judgement which was so important to me as it meant I really opened up and trusted her. I could not recommend Amanda enough, if I ever need support again I will know where to turn and I am so pleased I found her". (6.7.21)

"When I first contacted Amanda, I had been feeling extremely low. Almost immediately she helped me to understand the causes of my low mood (a combination of anxiety and depression). Treatment involved understanding how the way I think about the world was affecting my behaviour, emotions and relationships. Amanda taught me techniques for challenging types of thoughts that were unhelpful, as well as techniques for dealing with stress and generally enjoying life a lot more. I completed work with Amanda a few months ago and felt 'cured' of the persistent low mood that led me to seek help. Although life has been stressful since then (as all lives sometimes are), the strategies Amanda taught me have helped to prevent me becoming overwhelmed or burnt out. I truly consider working with Amanda to be one of the best decisions I've made. I finally enjoy life". (17.10.21)

"Working with Amanda was one of the best decisions I have ever made. She was so supportive and compassionate and with her help I was able to get to the root of a lot of my problems. She taught me a variety of skills to help me manage difficult emotions and situations going forwards, and has really helped me to change my mindset. I feel so much happier and confident that going forwards I will be able to deal with challenging times". (23.1.22)

"I was matched with Amanda through the charity BEN for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. When I started the process I was very depressed, lacked any self empathy or self esteem and all the while prioritising everyone else's needs above my own.  With the support of Amanda, helping through CBT, I was able to work on myself, my outlook on life and understand where the opinions of myself came from and how to see them in a different and more positive light, something I had never been able to do before. Working through them in a logical way helped me learn compassion towards events which have happened in my past, but more importantly to myself. I now have tools, techniques and the ability to understand and check in with myself if I am having a bad day or made an error, before the critical thoughts or self doubt creeps in.  It was and continues to be a truly freeing experience. My partner and work colleagues have noticed this massive shift in my attitude and opinion of myself, as I have always struggled to see myself in a good light and now it is the complete opposite. I don't think I would be the same person without Amanda's help and support over the last 6-8 months.  Thank you so much Amanda, you have truly helped me change my life". (March 2023)

“Amanda has been an amazing support to me as I struggled through work based Anxiety and Depression episodes. Not only did she guide me expertly through the CBT process providing me with so many useful resources, insights and techniques, she also gave invaluable continuity to my recovery process. When I was at my lowest Amanda provided genuine care and compassion whilst always maintaining the highest standards of professionalism. I cannot thank her enough for helping me get back on my feet and able to get my life back!” (March 2024)

  • Walpole Lane, Swanwick, SO31 7AX